DMV Services:
There are better ways to spend your day than standing in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles, waiting for your vehicle registration. Why not visit any of our two convenient locations in Selma, or Visalia and let Chavez Insurance issue your vehicle tags? We can handle the entire process at our office and have you on your way.
For a fee, these are the services we provide:
Lien Sales
License plates
Tags are issued same day!
DMV Forms:
Auto Liability Notification (Download SB-1500)
Everyone must carry insurance in order to maintain a valid registration.
Under Section 4000.37 of the California Vehicle Code, vehicle owners are required to submit evidence of financial responsibility to DMV when renewing their vehicle registration. Trailers, off-highway vehicles, and vessels are excluded from this requirement.
January 2006 (To view intro only, click here)
Traffic Accident Report (Download SR-1) / Go to DMV
Application for Duplicate Title (Download REG 227) / Go to DMV
Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (Download REG 138) / Go to DMV
Application for Title or Registration (Download REG 343) / Go to DMV
Application for Replacement Plates, Stickers, Documents (Download REG 156) / Go to DMV